Starter quiz

  • Which number is bigger, 14 or 17?
    • 14
    • 17  ✓
  • Which number is smaller, 15 or 18?
    • 15  ✓
    • 18
  • Which sentence is correct?
    • 15 is equal to 15.  ✓
    • 16 is less than 10.
    • 12 is equal to 15.
    • 8 is more than 9.
  • Complete the comparative sentence: Twenty is ______ sixteen.
    • 'more than' ✓
  • Which comparative sentence is correct?
    Which comparative sentence is correct?
    • Both hands show an equal number of fingers.  ✓
    • The left hand shows more fingers than the right hand.
    • The right hand shows more fingers than the left hand.
  • Which number is smallest out of 9, 12 and 5?
    • 9
    • 12
    • 5  ✓