Starter quiz

  • Which of these rows from the one hundred square should come last when counting forwards?
    Which of these rows from the one hundred square should come last when counting forwards?
    • the seventies  ✓
    • the sixties
    • the fifties
  • Sam is counting the rows on the one hundred square backwards. They count the forties, the thirties. Which row will they say next?
    Sam is counting the rows on the one hundred square backwards. They count the forties, the thirties. Which row will they say next?
    • the twenties  ✓
    • the fifties
  • Sort these numbers in the order you would say them when counting forwards along the row of the one hundred square.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Sort these numbers in the order you would say when counting backwards along the row of the one hundred square.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Sam is counting along the sixties row. Which number will they say next?
    Sam is counting along the sixties row. Which number will they say next?
    • 4 tens 6
    • 1 ten 6
    • 6 tens 4  ✓
  • Numbers can be said in different ways. Match the numbers to the correct way to say it.
    • 35
      3 tens 5 ✓
    • 53
      5 tens 3 ✓
    • 28
      2 tens 8 ✓
    • 82
      8 tens 2 ✓