Starter quiz

  • When does the pattern of counting change when counting backwards?
    • when you cross the tens boundary  ✓
    • when you count the forties
  • I'm thinking of a number. It is in the fifties and ends in 6. What is my number?
    • 65
    • 56  ✓
    • 506
  • Sort these numbers in the order you would say them if counting forwards.
    • 1
      5 tens 7
    • 2
      5 tens 8
    • 3
      5 tens 9
    • 4
      6 tens
  • Lucas counts backwards from the number 76. What numbers will he say next?
    • 75, 74, 73  ✓
    • 77, 78, 79
  • When counting forwards from 34, which of these numbers will you say?
    • 29
    • 43  ✓
    • 34
  • When counting backwards from 34, which of these numbers will you say?
    • 29  ✓
    • 35
    • 43