Starter quiz

  • Izzy made a <span class="blank">______</span> turn.
    Izzy made a ______ turn.
    • 'left' ✓
  • Match the start and the end of the sentences to make them correct.
    Match the start and the end of the sentences to make them correct.
    • To face the house, Jun will turn
      to the right ✓
    • To face the church, Jun will turn
      to the left ✓
  • The ladybird has made a <span class="blank">______</span> turn.
    The ladybird has made a ______ turn.
    • whole
    • half
    • quarter  ✓
  • Jun has made a <span class="blank">______</span> turn.
    Jun has made a ______ turn.
    • 'half' ✓
  • Jun is facing the church. He makes a quarter turn. What could he facing now?
    Jun is facing the church. He makes a quarter turn. What could he facing now?
    • slide  ✓
    • house
    • tree  ✓
    • church
  • First, Jun was facing the <span class="blank">______</span>. Then he made a half turn. Now, he is facing the house.
    First, Jun was facing the ______. Then he made a half turn. Now, he is facing the house.
    • tree
    • church  ✓
    • slide
    • house