Starter quiz

  • In which direction is the arrow pointing?
    In which direction is the arrow pointing?
    • 'left' ✓
  • True or false. This arrow is pointing to the left.
    True or false. This arrow is pointing to the left.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Match the parts of the sentences.
    Match the parts of the sentences.
    • The church is on Izzy's
      left ✓
    • The hous is on Izzy's
      right ✓
  • In which direction are the arrows pointing?
    In which direction are the arrows pointing?
    • Arrow 1 is pointing
      down ✓
    • Arrow 2 is pointing
      up ✓
  • Which directions would help Pedro to find his family?
    Which directions would help Pedro to find his family?
    • Up 1 square  ✓
    • Right 3 squares
    • Left 3 squares  ✓
  • Order the instructions that the mouse will take to find the cheese.
    Order the instructions that the mouse will take to find the cheese.
    • 1
      Go left 3 squares
    • 2
      Go up 2 squares
    • 3
      Go left 1 square