Starter quiz

  • Look at the number line. Is a closer to 2 or closer to 3?
    Look at the number line. Is a closer to 2 or closer to 3?
    • 2  ✓
    • 3
  • When it is half past the hour, to which number does the minute hand point? <span class="blank">______</span>
    When it is half past the hour, to which number does the minute hand point? ______
    • '6' ✓
  • When it is half past 8, where should the hour hand be pointing?
    When it is half past 8, where should the hour hand be pointing?
    • At the number 8
    • At the number 9
    • Halfway between 8 and 9  ✓
  • What time is being shown here?
    What time is being shown here?
    • 45 minutes past 1  ✓
    • 9 minutes past 2
    • 10 minutes past 9
  • Complete the sequence: 30, 25, 20, ______
    • '15' ✓
  • Match the number pairs that make 60
    • 35
      25 ✓
    • 10
      50 ✓
    • 40
      20 ✓