Starter quiz

  • Four one-pence coins have a total value of
    • 3 p
    • 4 p  ✓
    • 5 p
  • Which groups of coins does Jacob have? Jacob has 8 pence.
  • Which item from the jumble sale can Sam afford to buy with these one-penny coins?
    Which item from the jumble sale can Sam afford to buy with these one-penny coins?
    • A lolly which costs 5 p  ✓
    • A cake which costs 7 p
    • A cold drink which costs 8 p
  • Jun buys an item that costs less than the cake and more than the chocolate. What does he buy?
    Jun buys an item that costs less than the cake and more than the chocolate. What does he buy?
    • The cold drink
    • The cup of tea
    • The lolly  ✓
  • How many one-penny coins would you need to buy both the cake and the chocolate?
    How many one-penny coins would you need to buy both the cake and the chocolate?
    • '11' ✓
  • Sam had 9 p. Which two items could she buy at the sale?
    Sam had 9 p. Which two items could she buy at the sale?
    • The cake and the chocolate.
    • The cake and the lolly.
    • The lolly and the chocolate.  ✓