Starter quiz

  • 170 can be regrouped into…
    • 1 ten and 7 hundreds
    • 1 ten and 70 ones
    • 1 hundred and 7 ones
    • 1 hundred and 7 tens  ✓
  • 9 + 8 = ______
    • '17' ✓
  • What number is missing from this column addition?
    What number is missing from this column addition?
    • '4' ✓
  • What is the sum of the two numbers?
    What is the sum of the two numbers?
    • 126
    • 143
    • 146  ✓
    • 166
  • What number is missing from this column addition?
    What number is missing from this column addition?
    • '7' ✓
  • What tens digit is missing from this column addition?
    What tens digit is missing from this column addition?
    • '9' ✓