Starter quiz

  • ______ x 7 = 56
    • '8' ✓
  • 96 = ______ x 8
    • '12' ✓
  • Which of these compound rectilinear shapes have a total area of 60 m²?
    Which of these compound rectilinear shapes have a total area of 60 m²?
    • a
    • b  ✓
  • Which calculation would you use to calculate the area with the information you have been given?
    Which calculation would you use to calculate the area with the information you have been given?
    • 72 cm² − 10 cm² = 62 cm²
    • 42 cm² + 20 cm² = 62cm²  ✓
    • 48 cm² + 14 cm² = 62 cm²
  • Jun worked out the area of a compound shape. Which of these shapes was he calculating the area of?
    Jun worked out the area of a compound shape. Which of these shapes was he calculating the area of?
  • What is the area of the grey path around the pond?
    What is the area of the grey path around the pond?
    • '46m²' ✓