Starter quiz

  • Match the pairs of numbers with a product 40.
    • 5
      8 ✓
    • 1
      40 ✓
    • 4
      10 ✓
    • 2
      20 ✓
  • Which of these shapes are compound shapes?
    Which of these shapes are compound shapes?
    • A
    • B  ✓
    • C
    • D  ✓
  • Look at this rectilinear compound shape. It is made up of 6 squares. Calculate the total area of the shape. A = <span class="blank">______</span> cm².
    Look at this rectilinear compound shape. It is made up of 6 squares. Calculate the total area of the shape. A = ______ cm².
    • '54' ✓
  • This image is of the flag of Romania. It consists of three rectangles of equal size. Calculate the total area of one rectangle. A = <span class="blank">______</span> cm².
    This image is of the flag of Romania. It consists of three rectangles of equal size. Calculate the total area of one rectangle. A = ______ cm².
    • '48' ✓
  • Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape. A = <span class="blank">______</span> cm².
    Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape. A = ______ cm².
    • '73' ✓
  • Choose an efficient method to calculate the area of this compound shape.  A = <span class="blank">______</span> cm².
    Choose an efficient method to calculate the area of this compound shape. A = ______ cm².
    • '36' ✓