Starter quiz

  • How many pennies are there in £1?
    • '100' ✓
  • How many tens are there in 130?
    • 3
    • 13  ✓
    • 130
    • 0
  • 'I have £2.5 in my pocket'. Tick all the statements that could be true of this sentence.
    • It is incorrect because there needs to be 2 decimal places to show the pence.  ✓
    • The person might have meant 'I have £2.05 in my pocket'.  ✓
    • The person might have meant 'I have £2.50 in my pocket'.  ✓
    • There should be a 'p' after the number of pennies.
    • The £ sign is in the wrong place.
  • What is wrong with this statement? 'I spent £3.28 p in total'.
    • The £ sign should be after the 3
    • The £ sign should be after the 8
    • It does not need a £ sign.
    • There should not be a p sign at the end if you have used a £ sign.  ✓
  • 900 ÷ 100 = ______
    • '9' ✓
  • Match the vocabulary to the definition.
    • convert
      change from one form to another ✓
    • partition
      separate into different parts ✓
    • unit
      a general term meaning one of something ✓
    • ascending
      going up ✓
    • descending
      going down ✓