Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are a representation of 50 p?
  • Match the values in the equation with the correct definitions. £10 − £2.75 = £7.25
    • £10
      minuend ✓
    • £2.75
      subtrahend ✓
    • £7.25
      difference ✓
  • Use the subtracting and subtracting again strategy to solve this problem: I had £10. I bought one item for £3, one for £2 and one for 50 p How much money have I got left?
    • £3.50
    • £4.50  ✓
    • £5.50
    • £6
  • Calculate: £4.37 + £6.85 = ______ Remember to write your answer using the correct notation.
    • '£11.22' ✓
  • Calculate: £11.23 + £7.58 = ______ Remember to write your answer using the correct notation.
    • '£18.81' ✓
  • Calculate the change I would receive from £10 if I bought one item for £4.55, one for £1.45 and one for £1.50 p. Remember to write your answer using the correct notation.
    • '£2.50' ✓