Starter quiz

  • What are the coordinates being shown here?
    What are the coordinates being shown here?
    • 9
    • (4,5)  ✓
    • (5,4)
    • 45
  • What are the coordinates being shown here?
    What are the coordinates being shown here?
    • (4,0)
    • (0,4)  ✓
    • (4)
    • (4,1)
    • (1,4)
  • Which of the statements about the number −5 are true? Tick all that apply.
    • It is 5 away from zero.  ✓
    • It is closer to zero than −4 is.
    • It is to the right of −6 on a horizontal number line.  ✓
    • It is to the left of −6 on a horizontal number line.
    • It is to the left of −4 on a horizontal number line.  ✓
  • Tick all the statements that are true.
    • −3 is greater than −4.  ✓
    • −4 is greater than −3.
    • −3 is greater than 3.
    • 3 is greater than −3.  ✓
    • 3 and −3 have the same distance from zero.  ✓
  • Put the following numbers into descending order.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • What number is exactly halfway between −10 and −9?
    • There is no number between −10 and −9.
    • −9.5  ✓
    • −10.5
    • −9.25
    • −9.75