Starter quiz

  • For every 2 marbles Alex has, Aisha has 3 marbles. What is the missing value in this table?
    For every 2 marbles Alex has, Aisha has 3 marbles. What is the missing value in this table?
    • '9' ✓
  • For every 2 marbles Alex has, Aisha has 3 marbles. What is the missing value in this table?
    For every 2 marbles Alex has, Aisha has 3 marbles. What is the missing value in this table?
    • '15' ✓
  • Which equation will you need to calculate the missing value?
    Which equation will you need to calculate the missing value?
    • 2 \times 5 = 10
    • 3 \times 5 = 15  ✓
    • 10 + 5 = 15
    • 3 \times 3 = 9
  • Which equation will you need to calculate the missing value?
    Which equation will you need to calculate the missing value?
    • 5 \times 5 = 25  ✓
    • 3 \times 5 = 15
    • 2 \times 5 = 10
    • 10 + 15 = 25  ✓
  • The circled value in the image can be represented by the equation <Math>5 \times 6 = 30</Math>. What does the 5 in the equation represent?
    The circled value in the image can be represented by the equation 5 \times 6 = 30. What does the 5 in the equation represent?
    • The number of times the marbles have been shared out
    • The total number of marbles in the basic ratio  ✓
    • The number of marbles Alex has
    • The number of marbles Aisha has
  • The circled value in the image can be represented by the equation <Math>5 \times 6 = 30</Math>. What does the 6 in the equation represent?
    The circled value in the image can be represented by the equation 5 \times 6 = 30. What does the 6 in the equation represent?
    • The number of times the marbles have been shared out  ✓
    • The total number of marbles in the basic ratio
    • The number of marbles Alex has
    • The number of marbles Aisha has