Starter quiz

  • What is 8 times as many as 5?
    • '40' ✓
  • How many 8s are there in 24?
    • '3' ✓
  • How many times greater than 3 is 27?
    • 24
    • 3
    • 6
    • 9  ✓
    • 10
  • Which phrases describe the quiz team in this image
    Which phrases describe the quiz team in this image
    • For every 2 chidlren there are 3 adults
    • For every 3 adults there are 3 children
    • For every 3 children there are 4 adults
    • For every 4 children there are 3 adults  ✓
    • For every 3 adults there are 4 children  ✓
  • Each quiz team is made up of 3 adults and 4 children. If there are 35 people taking part, which equation represents how many of them are adults?
    • 3 + 35 = 38
    • 4 \times 5 = 20
    • 3 \times 5 = 15  ✓
    • 3 \times 7 = 21
  • Each quiz team is made up of 3 adults and 4 children. If there are 5 teams taking part, how many children will there be in total?
    • 7
    • 15
    • 20  ✓
    • 32
    • 31