Starter quiz

  • Which number is larger: 289 or 298?
    • 289
    • 298  ✓
  • Order these numbers, starting with the smallest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Which of the numbers below could be used to make this inequality correct?
    Which of the numbers below could be used to make this inequality correct?
    • 196
    • 216
    • 231  ✓
    • 301  ✓
  • Which of the numbers below could be used to make this inequality correct?
    Which of the numbers below could be used to make this inequality correct?
    • 197  ✓
    • 287  ✓
    • 303  ✓
    • 310
  • Use the number cards to make a number greater than 951
    Use the number cards to make a number greater than 951
    • '960' ✓
  • Which number is greater than 491 and less than 507?
    • 489
    • 498  ✓
    • 508
    • 510