Starter quiz

  • Which multiple of 20 comes next: 120, 140, 160, ______?
    • '180' ✓
  • Order the numbers so that the count is in the correct order, starting with the smallest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • What number is missing from the number track?
    What number is missing from the number track?
    • '300' ✓
  • What number is missing from the number track?
    What number is missing from the number track?
    • '480' ✓
  • What are the next three numbers in this count: 585, 590, 595, ___, ___, ___
    • 500, 505, 510
    • 500, 550, 600
    • 600, 605, 610  ✓
    • 600, 625, 650
  • Andeep counts backwards in multiples of 25. What number has he missed from his count?
    Andeep counts backwards in multiples of 25. What number has he missed from his count?
    • '500' ✓