Starter quiz

  • Which number is represented by the base ten blocks?
    Which number is represented by the base ten blocks?
    • 7
    • 70  ✓
    • 700
  • How many tens are represented here?
    How many tens are represented here?
    • '10' ✓
  • What number is represented by the base ten blocks?
    What number is represented by the base ten blocks?
    • 12
    • 102
    • 112
    • 120  ✓
  • What number is missing from the bar model?
    What number is missing from the bar model?
    • '30' ✓
  • Order these numbers, starting with the smallest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • What number is missing from the bar model?
    What number is missing from the bar model?
    • '10' ✓