Starter quiz

  • What multiplication fact does this array represent?
    What multiplication fact does this array represent?
    • 4 × 8 = 32  ✓
    • 2 × 16 = 32
    • 8 × 4 = 32  ✓
    • 4 × 32 = 8
  • What are the factors shown by this array?
    What are the factors shown by this array?
    • 9 and 54
    • 6 and 54
    • 9 and 6  ✓
  • How many groups of 7 counters can be made from 56 counters?
    • '8' ✓
  • Which of these have a product of 30?
    • 20 + 10 =
    • 10 × 3 =  ✓
    • 1 × 30 =  ✓
    • 100 - 70 =
  • Match the expressions to the correct product.
    • 4 × 11
      44 ✓
    • 9 × 8
      72 ✓
    • 4 × 6
      24 ✓
    • 3 × 7
      21 ✓
  • What is the area of this rectangle? <span class="blank">______</span> cm<Math>^2</Math>
    What is the area of this rectangle? ______ cm^2
    • '96' ✓