Starter quiz

  • Look at the image. What is the value the shaded part?
    Look at the image. What is the value the shaded part?
    • one tenth
    • one hundredth  ✓
    • one decimal
  • What is the value of the 1 in this place value chart?
    What is the value of the 1 in this place value chart?
    • 'one tenth' ✓
  • One tenth can be written as 0.1 so 3 tenths can be written as ______.
    • '0.3' ✓
  • 0.1 is __________ than 1.
    • ten times smaller  ✓
    • ten times bigger
    • ten tenths bigger
  • Which number is one tenth the size of 100?
    • 100
    • 10  ✓
    • 1
    • 0.1
    • 0.01
  • Tick the correct descriptions for this representation.
    Tick the correct descriptions for this representation.
    • 16 hundredths  ✓
    • 16 tenths
    • 1 tenth and 6 hundredths  ✓
    • 1 whole and 6 hundredths
    • 1 whole and 6 tenths