Starter quiz

  • The dot that sits on a place value chart between the whole numbers and tenths is called __________.
    • a decimal
    • a decimal point  ✓
    • a dividing point
  • One tenth the size of one is __________.
    One tenth the size of one is __________.
    • zero
    • one tenth  ✓
    • one ten
    • one hundred
  • Look at the number. What does the six represent?
    Look at the number. What does the six represent?
    • 6 tenths  ✓
    • 6 ones
    • 6 tens
    • 6 decimals
  • Write seven tenths as a decimal number.
    • '0.7' ✓
  • Ten tenths are equivalent to ______.
    • 'one' ✓
  • Match the pictures to the correct value.
    Match the pictures to the correct value.
    • A
      0.4 ✓
    • B
      0.1 ✓
    • C
      0.9 ✓
    • D
      0.6 ✓