Starter quiz

  • What is the missing label in this bar model?
    What is the missing label in this bar model?
    • 'whole' ✓
  • Look at the sequence of months. Which season is missing?
    Look at the sequence of months. Which season is missing?
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Autumn  ✓
    • Winter
  • What is the name of this shape?
    What is the name of this shape?
    • 'triangle' ✓
  • What is the name of this shape?
    What is the name of this shape?
    • Pentagon
    • Hexagon  ✓
    • Square
    • Oblong
  • Complete the sentence. 90 is made of ______ groups of 10
    • '9' ✓
  • How many 10s are there in 50?
    • '5' ✓