Starter quiz

  • Select all the integers.
    • -44  ✓
    • -4.4
    • 0  ✓
    • 4  ✓
    • 44.4
  • Select all of the correct statements.
    • -2 < -3
    • -3 < -2  ✓
    • -2 > -3  ✓
    • -5 > -6  ✓
    • -6 > -5
  • Starting with the lowest temperature, put these temperatures in order from coldest to warmest.
    • 1
      {-8}^\circ \text{C}
    • 2
      {-6}^\circ \text{C}
    • 3
      {-2}^\circ \text{C}
    • 4
      {0}^\circ \text{C}
    • 5
      {2}^\circ \text{C}
    • 6
      {6}^\circ \text{C}
  • The temperature in Reykjavik is {-5}^\circ \text{C}. It is {3}^\circ \text{C} warmer in Paris. What is the temperature in Paris?
    • {-8}^\circ \text{C}
    • {-3}^\circ \text{C}
    • {-2}^\circ \text{C}  ✓
    • {2}^\circ \text{C}
    • {3}^\circ \text{C}
  • Andeep has a balance of £1.50 at the school canteen. He buys a sandwich for £2.10, an apple for 25 p and some fruit juice for £1.15. What is Andeep's new balance?
    • £2
    • £1
    • £0
    • -£1
    • -£2  ✓
  • A submarine is 200 metres below sea level. The submarine rises 150 metres and then dives down 300 metres. The submarine is now ______ metres below sea level.
    • '350' ✓