Starter quiz

  • Numbers which are greater than zero are called __________ numbers.
    • decimal
    • fraction
    • integer
    • negative
    • positive  ✓
  • Select all the correct statements.
    • 6 < 7  ✓
    • 6 > 7
    • 3.2 > 2.4  ✓
    • 3.2 < 2.4
  • Alex thinks of a number. It is 4 away from 10. Select the numbers which Alex could be thinking of.
    • 4
    • 6  ✓
    • 10
    • 14  ✓
    • 18
  • Laura borrows £27 from her mum. She pays her mum back £15. How much does Laura still owe her mum? £ ______
    • '12' ✓
  • 15 is halfway between two numbers. What could the two numbers be?
    • 10 and 20  ✓
    • 8 and 23
    • 12 and 19
    • 0 and 30  ✓
  • Complete the statement. ______ is halfway between 8 and 18.
    • '13' ✓