Starter quiz

  • Which operation is the mathematical operation of scaling one number by another?
    • Division
    • Multiplication  ✓
    • Addition
    • Subtraction
  • Match each multiplication to its answer.
    • 9\times3
      27 ✓
    • 8\times6
      48 ✓
    • 7\times9
      63 ✓
    • 6\times7
      42 ✓
  • Work out the missing number: 7 × ______ = 7000
    • '1000' ✓
  • Select all the correct statements.
    • 8 + 4 is equal to 4 + 8  ✓
    • 8 − 4 is the same 4 − 8
    • 8 × 4 is equal to 4 × 8  ✓
    • 8 ÷ 4 is equal to 4 ÷ 8
  • Without using a calculator, work out: 168 + 235 − 149 = ______
    • '254' ✓
  • Without using a calculator, work out: 23 × 15 = ______
    • '345' ✓