Starter quiz

  • Work out 40\times600
    • 240
    • 2400
    • 24 000  ✓
    • 240 000
  • Use an area model to work out: 26\times17= ______
    • '442' ✓
  • Work out: 321\times12= ______
    • '3852' ✓
  • In the calculation 16\div2 the __________ is 16.
    • addend
    • dividend  ✓
    • divisor
    • minuend
    • subtrahend
  • Match each division to the correct partition.
    • 108\div4
      100\div4 + 8\div4 ✓
    • 90\div4
      80\div4+8\div4+2\div4 ✓
    • 68\div4
      40\div4+20\div4+8\div4 ✓
    • 72\div4
      60\div4+12\div4 ✓
  • Work out: 342\div9= ______
    • '38' ✓