Starter quiz

  • Which operation is last in the priority of operations?
    • Brackets
    • Roots and exponents
    • Multiplication and division
    • Addition and subtraction  ✓
  • The __________ of a number is a number that, when added to the original number, gives the sum of 0
    • opposite
    • negative
    • additive inverse  ✓
    • reciprocal
  • Without using a calculator, work out: 11\times5 - 2\times3 = ______
    • '49' ✓
  • Without using a calculator, work out: 3000 – (54 – 4)\times2\times5^2 = ______
    • '500' ✓
  • Select the calculation with an answer of 1
    • (4+5)\times(6+7)
    • 4\times(5+6)\times7
    • 4+5\times(6+7)
    • (4-5)\times6+7  ✓
  • Work out the value of 12 + 3 \times 10 - 8 + 1
    • 35  ✓
    • 143
    • 33
    • 141