Starter quiz

  • Match each calculation to its correct answer. Use your knowledge of identifying a reasonable answer and do not work out the calculations.
    • 4.4\times7.4=
      32.56 ✓
    • 2.9\times2.8=
      8.12 ✓
    • 8.3\times3.1=
      25.73 ✓
    • 5.7\times1.1=
      6.27 ✓
  • Without using a calculator, work out the answer to 4\times8 + 6\times5 = ______
    • '62' ✓
  • Match each number with its additive inverse.
    • 81
      (-81) ✓
    • (-3)
      3 ✓
    • 18
      (-18) ✓
    • 0.3
      (-0.3) ✓
    • 0.81
      (-0.81) ✓
  • Starting with the calculation with the lowest answer, sort these calculations into order of size.
    • 1
      11-4\times2 -1
    • 2
      \frac{100+(-40)} {5-(-10)} +1
    • 3
      18+(-6)\times2 +1
    • 4
      (-12)\div(-3) + 2^2+1
  • Work out the missing number: 33 × 0.6 + 33 × ______ = 33
    • '0.4' ✓
  • Work out the missing number: 4.5 × 0.23 + 4.5 × ______ = 4.5
    • '0.77' ✓