Starter quiz

  • Match each law with an example of the law
    • Commutative law
      3 + 10 + 8 = 8 + 10 + 3 ✓
    • Associative law
      6\times5\times4= (6\times5)\times4 ✓
    • Distributive law
      45\times(0.7+0.3)=45\times0.7 + 45\times0.3 ✓
  • Which of the following is an example of the distributive law for this calculation 39\times99?
    • 99\times39
    • 39\times(100 - 1)  ✓
    • 39\times(9 \times 9)
  • Which of the following is an example of the distributive law for this calculation 22\times42 You can select more than 1 answer.
    • 22\times(40+2)  ✓
    • 22\times(21\times 2)
    • 22\times(4+2)
    • 22\times(10+10+10+10+2)  ✓
  • Without using a calculator, use the distributive law to work out: 4.8 × 6.1 + 4.8 × 3.9 = ______
    • '48' ✓
  • Work out the missing number: 5.67 × 0.3 + 5.67 × ______ = 5.67
    • '0.7' ✓
  • Work out the missing number: 23 × 0.8 + 23 × 1.4 − 23 × ______ = 46
    • '0.2' ✓