Starter quiz

  • Terminating decimals have a ______ number of digits after the decimal point.
    • 'finite' ✓
  • Without using a calculator, work out the decimal value of \frac {13}{20}. ______
    • '0.65' ✓
  • Select all the fractions that can be written as terminating decimals.
    • \frac {11}{15}
    • \frac {11}{4}  ✓
    • \frac {11}{8}  ✓
    • \frac {11}{50}  ✓
    • \frac {11}{30}
  • Aisha uses her calculator to convert 0.668 to a fraction. She gets an answer of \frac {167}{\square}. What number should go in the square? ______
    • '250' ✓
  • Match each fraction to its terminating decimal. You can use a calculator for this question.
    • \frac {73}{160}
      0.45625 ✓
    • \frac {57}{125}
      0.456 ✓
    • \frac {63}{140}
      0.45 ✓
    • \frac {2281}{5000}
      0.4562 ✓
    • \frac {34}{85}
      0.4 ✓
  • Sam says that 231 \over 330 is not equivalent to a terminating decimal. Without using a calculator, explain whether Sam is correct or not.
    • Sam is correct as 330 has factors of 3 and 11
    • Sam is correct as only fractions with a denominator of 10 terminate
    • Sam is wrong as 330 is a multiple of 10
    • Sam is wrong as the fraction simplifies to 7\over10 which terminates  ✓