Starter quiz

  • Fractions where the numerator is less than the denominator are called ______ fractions.
    • 'proper' ✓
  • The integer that is equivalent to the fraction 30 \over 5 is ______.
    • '6' ✓
  • Write 3\frac{2}{7} as an improper fraction.
    • \frac{23}{2}
    • \frac{21}{7}
    • \frac{22}{7}
    • \frac{23}{7}  ✓
    • \frac{24}{7}
  • Write the correct symbol (<, > or =) to make the statement true: 17 \frac {1}{2} ______ \frac {69}{4}
    • '&gt;' ✓
  • Starting with the smallest, put these fractions and mixed numbers in order of size.
    • 1
      1\frac {1}{8}
    • 2
      1\frac {1}{4}
    • 3
      \frac {13}{8}
    • 4
      1\frac {3}{4}
    • 5
      2\frac {1}{8}
    • 6
      \frac {18}{8}
  • A gardener puts up a fence around a rectangular garden. Each fence panel is 1 metre long and costs £25. What is the total cost of the fencing? £<!-- --> <span class="blank">______</span>
    A gardener puts up a fence around a rectangular garden. Each fence panel is 1 metre long and costs £25. What is the total cost of the fencing? £ ______
    • '650' ✓