Starter quiz

  • Significant figures are the digits in a number that contribute to the ______ of the number.
    • 'accuracy' ✓
  • Select all the numbers which have 6 as the first significant figure.
    • 46
    • 68  ✓
    • 606  ✓
    • 46 266
    • 600 606  ✓
  • In the number 45 026, in which column is the first significant figure?
    • tens
    • hundreds
    • thousands
    • ten thousands  ✓
    • hundred thousands
  • Match each number to its value when it is rounded to one significant figure.
    • 356 268
      four hundred thousand ✓
    • 42.689
      forty ✓
    • 449.09
      four hundred ✓
    • 3 591 054
      four million ✓
    • 3560
      four thousand ✓
  • Round 85 026 to one significant figure.
    • '90 000' ✓
  • What value could the missing digit be in 5\square 265 = 50 000 (to 1 s.f.)?
    • 7
    • 6
    • 5
    • 4  ✓
    • 3  ✓