Starter quiz

  • What is a conjecture?
    • A mathematical statement that is thought to be false and has been proven false
    • A mathematical statement that is thought to be true and has been proven true
    • A mathematical statement that is thought to be false and has not yet been proven
    • A mathematical statement that is thought to be true and has not yet been proven  ✓
  • Select the numbers that round to 23 000 when rounded to the nearest thousand.
    • 22 475
    • 22 975  ✓
    • 23 175  ✓
    • 23 475  ✓
    • 23 675
  • 134 578 is 135 000 to the nearest ...
    • ten
    • hundred
    • thousand  ✓
    • ten thousand
    • hundred thousand
  • Laura estimates how many cars are in a car park. Which of the following is the most appropriate degree of accuracy in this situation?
    • Nearest integer
    • Nearest ten
    • Nearest hundred  ✓
    • Nearest thousand
    • Nearest ten thousand
  • A charity is sending thank you cards to 110 people who have made donations. Stamps come in books of 12. How many books of stamps do they need to buy?
    • '10' ✓
  • Izzy buys a large bag of 50 chocolate bars. She puts them into boxes of 4 to sell for charity. How many boxes will Izzy have to sell?
    • '12' ✓