Starter quiz

  • TU is a straight line segment. Find the size of angle <Math>a</Math>, in degrees.
    TU is a straight line segment. Find the size of angle a, in degrees.
    • '34' ✓
  • This diagram shows two intersecting line segments. Match each angle or justification for the size of angles <Math>b</Math>° and <Math>c</Math>° to the correct value or statement.
    This diagram shows two intersecting line segments. Match each angle or justification for the size of angles b° and c° to the correct value or statement.
    • size of angle \text{ }b°
      162° ✓
    • size of angle \text{ }c°
      18° ✓
    • justification for angle b°
      angles about a point on a straight line sum to 180° ✓
    • justification for angle c°
      vertically opposite angles are equal ✓
    • not an angle on this diagram
      36° ✓
  • Match the line segment to the correct description that completes each sentence.
    Match the line segment to the correct description that completes each sentence.
    • AB
      is parallel to IJ ✓
    • CD
      is parallel to GH ✓
    • KL
      is not parallel to any other line segment in this diagram ✓
  • Match each angle to its size.
    Match each angle to its size.
    • d°
      110° ✓
    • e°
      70° ✓
    • g°
      38° ✓
    • h°
      104° ✓
    • not an angle in this diagram
      56° ✓
  • AB, CD, and EF are all straight line segments. By first calculating the size of angles <Math>j</Math>° and <Math>k</Math>°, find the value of <Math>(j+k)</Math>°.
    AB, CD, and EF are all straight line segments. By first calculating the size of angles j° and k°, find the value of (j+k)°.
    • '180' ✓
  • Match each line segment to its correct description.
    Match each line segment to its correct description.
    • AE
      is parallel to CD ✓
    • AF
      is parallel to BD ✓
    • BF
      is perpendicular to CD ✓
    • AF
      a longer line segment with a gradient of -\frac{1}{3} ✓
    • BD
      a shorter line segment with a gradient of -\frac{1}{3} ✓