Starter quiz

  • Which of these statements are true about this triangle?
    Which of these statements are true about this triangle?
    • a° = 33°
    • a° = 59°  ✓
    • a° = 90°
    • It is a right angle triangle.
    • It is a scalene triangle.  ✓
  • This triangle is scalene. Which of these are possible values of <Math>b</Math>?
    This triangle is scalene. Which of these are possible values of b?
    • 10
    • 12  ✓
    • 14
    • 18  ✓
    • 20  ✓
  • Which of these statements are correct for this triangle?
    Which of these statements are correct for this triangle?
    • The triangle is equilateral.
    • The triangle is scalene.
    • The triangle is isosceles.  ✓
    • c° = 32°  ✓
    • c° = 116°
  • This diagram shows two intersecting line segments. Match each angle or justification for the size of angles <Math>d</Math>° and <Math>e</Math>° to the correct value or statement.
    This diagram shows two intersecting line segments. Match each angle or justification for the size of angles d° and e° to the correct value or statement.
    • size of angle \text{ }d°
      154° ✓
    • size of angle \text{ }e°
      26° ✓
    • justification for size of angle d
      angles about a point on a straight line sum to 180° ✓
    • justification for size of angle e°
      vertically opposite angles are equal ✓
    • not an angle on this diagram
      52° ✓
  • PQ and RS are straight line segments. Match each angle or justification for the size of angles <Math>g</Math>° and <Math>h</Math>° to the correct statement.
    PQ and RS are straight line segments. Match each angle or justification for the size of angles g° and h° to the correct statement.
    • size of angle \text{ }g°
      78° ✓
    • size of angle \text{ }h°
      24° ✓
    • justification for angle g°
      half of the angle that is vertically opposite 156° ✓
    • justification for angle h°
      angles about a point on a straight line sum to 180° ✓
    • not a complete justification
      vertically opposite angles are equal ✓
    • not angle \text{ }g° \text{or }h°
      156° ✓
  • Three different triangles each have an angle of 40°. Match the name of each triangle to their possible angles.
    • isosceles
      another angle of 40° and one 100° ✓
    • scalene
      one angle of 82° and another of 58° ✓
    • right-angled scalene
      an angle of 90° and one of 50° ✓
    • equilateral
      impossible to have this triangle with an angle of 40° ✓