Starter quiz

  • 120 people were asked: "what do you most frequently drink whilst at work". The results will be placed in a pie chart with a total of 20 pre-defined sectors. How many sectors would represent water?
    120 people were asked: "what do you most frequently drink whilst at work". The results will be placed in a pie chart with a total of 20 pre-defined sectors. How many sectors would represent water?
    • 3.6
    • 6
    • 12  ✓
    • 72
    • 360
  • 120 people were asked: "what do you most frequently drink whilst at work". The results will be placed in a pie chart with a total of 20 pre-defined sectors. How many people voted for milk?
    120 people were asked: "what do you most frequently drink whilst at work". The results will be placed in a pie chart with a total of 20 pre-defined sectors. How many people voted for milk?
    • '24' ✓
  • A large set of information is collected and represented in a pie chart of 30 equally-sized sectors. Each sector represents a frequency of 40. What is the total frequency of this dataset?
    • '1200' ✓
  • Which of these words is not an essential feature of a pie chart or the calculations required to construct a pie chart?
    • radius
    • sector
    • linear  ✓
    • frequency / value
    • pi (\pi)  ✓
  • The incomplete ratio table shows a dataset being converted into angles to represent each subgroup as sectors on a pie chart. Match the letters to the correct missing values.
    The incomplete ratio table shows a dataset being converted into angles to represent each subgroup as sectors on a pie chart. Match the letters to the correct missing values.
    • a
      120 ✓
    • b
      360 ✓
    • c
      3 ✓
    • d
      54 ✓
    • e
      132 ✓
  • The incomplete ratio table shows a dataset being converted into angles to represent each subgroup as sectors on a pie chart. Find the value of angle a, in degrees.
    The incomplete ratio table shows a dataset being converted into angles to represent each subgroup as sectors on a pie chart. Find the value of angle a, in degrees.
    • '160' ✓