Starter quiz

  • The bar chart shows the weather over 40 days one winter. What is the modal type of weather?
    The bar chart shows the weather over 40 days one winter. What is the modal type of weather?
    • dry
    • rain
    • hail
    • snow
    • wind  ✓
  • The bar chart shows the weather over 40 days one winter. How many more days were dry than had hail? <span class="blank">______</span> days.
    The bar chart shows the weather over 40 days one winter. How many more days were dry than had hail? ______ days.
    • '8' ✓
  • The bar chart shows the weather over 40 days one winter. On what fraction of days did it rain? Give your answer in its simplest form.
    The bar chart shows the weather over 40 days one winter. On what fraction of days did it rain? Give your answer in its simplest form.
    • 1/5
    • 1/40
    • 1/8  ✓
    • 1/2
    • 5/40
  • This pie chart shows 60 vehicles that passed the road nearby a school. What is the modal vehicle that passed nearby the school?
    This pie chart shows 60 vehicles that passed the road nearby a school. What is the modal vehicle that passed nearby the school?
    • motorbikes
    • vans
    • buses
    • cars  ✓
    • lorries
  • This pie chart shows 60 vehicles that passed the road nearby a school. Which two vehicles were counted an equal number of times?
    This pie chart shows 60 vehicles that passed the road nearby a school. Which two vehicles were counted an equal number of times?
    • motorbikes
    • vans  ✓
    • buses  ✓
    • cars
    • lorries
  • This pie chart shows 60 vehicles that passed the road nearby a school. Complete the statement: <span class="blank">______</span> motorbikes passed nearby the school.
    This pie chart shows 60 vehicles that passed the road nearby a school. Complete the statement: ______ motorbikes passed nearby the school.
    • '15' ✓