Starter quiz

  • Match each graph to its description.
    • bar chart
      represents frequencies with bars ✓
    • pictogram
      represents frequencies with contextual images and a key ✓
    • pie chart
      circular graph representing different groups proportionally ✓
    • scatter graph
      represents bivariate data as coordinates on a grid ✓
  • What type of correlation does the scatter graph show?
    What type of correlation does the scatter graph show?
    • negative correlation
    • no correlation
    • positive correlation  ✓
  • How many giraffes are represented in the pictogram? <span class="blank">______</span> giraffes
    How many giraffes are represented in the pictogram? ______ giraffes
    • '5' ✓
  • The pie charts show the types of potato served by school canteens in two locations. Which statement is always true for the data represented in the pie charts?
    The pie charts show the types of potato served by school canteens in two locations. Which statement is always true for the data represented in the pie charts?
    • The frequency of mashed potato is greater in Location 4 than Location 5.
    • The proportion of mashed potato is greater in Location 4 than Location 5.  ✓
    • The amount of boiled potato served is the same in both locations
  • Which place had the same number of visitors on both Saturday and Sunday?
    Which place had the same number of visitors on both Saturday and Sunday?
    • Museum
    • Zoo
    • Theatre  ✓
  • This line graph shows data about journey times to work over a week. The median journey time is <span class="blank">______</span> minutes.
    This line graph shows data about journey times to work over a week. The median journey time is ______ minutes.
    • '28' ✓