Starter quiz

  • Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    • '54' ✓
  • Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    • '48' ✓
  • Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    • '100' ✓
  • Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    • '136' ✓
  • Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    • '126' ✓
  • Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    Calculate the area of this compound rectilinear shape (you do not need to state the units).
    • '132' ✓