Starter quiz

  • The number of outcomes on this spinner that are odd numbers is <span class="blank">______</span>.
    The number of outcomes on this spinner that are odd numbers is ______.
    • '4' ✓
  • Trial: flipping the coin and spinning the spinner once each. 
Which of these lists of outcomes for the trial show a complete sample space? Use H for 'heads' and T for 'tails'.
    Trial: flipping the coin and spinning the spinner once each. Which of these lists of outcomes for the trial show a complete sample space? Use H for 'heads' and T for 'tails'.
    • {H, T, A, B, C}
    • {H, T, A, B, C, A, B, C}
    • {HA, HB, HC, TA, TB, TC}  ✓
    • {HT, AB, AB, CB}
    • {TB, HA, TC, HC, TA, HB}  ✓
  • Trial: spinning this spinner once. 
Event: multiple of 3. 
Which of these outcomes should be written inside the box?
    Trial: spinning this spinner once. Event: multiple of 3. Which of these outcomes should be written inside the box?
    • 2  ✓
    • 3
    • 6
    • 8  ✓
    • 24
  • Match each number to its correct location on the Venn diagram.
    Match each number to its correct location on the Venn diagram.
    • 5
      a ✓
    • 9
      b ✓
    • 4
      c ✓
    • 6
      d ✓
  • The Venn diagram shows a selection of types of TV shows that Jacob and Izzy do and do not like. 
Which of these statements is true for drama TV shows?
    The Venn diagram shows a selection of types of TV shows that Jacob and Izzy do and do not like. Which of these statements is true for drama TV shows?
    • Both Jacob and Izzy like drama shows.
    • Jacob likes drama shows, but Izzy doesn't.  ✓
    • Izzy likes drama shows, but Jacob doesn't.
    • Neither Jacob nor Izzy like drama shows.
  • This incomplete outcome tree represents all outcomes from spinning spinner R twice and adding the results of each spin. 
Match each letter to its value in the sample space.
    This incomplete outcome tree represents all outcomes from spinning spinner R twice and adding the results of each spin. Match each letter to its value in the sample space.
    • a
      10 ✓
    • b
      12 ✓
    • c
      15 ✓
    • d
      7 ✓
    • e
      14 ✓