Starter quiz

  • There are two trials. In Trial 1, a fair spinner with {A, B} is spun twice. In Trial 2, a fair spinner with {B, C} is spun twice. Which statement is true?
    • The most likely outcome is {B,B}.
    • B is the most likely letter to appear in the trials.  ✓
    • C is the least likely letter to appear in the trials.
  • If the probability of an event (A) is /frac{2}{5}, and the experiment is repeated 25 times, what is the theoretical number of times event (A) will occur?
    • 5
    • 10  ✓
    • 15
    • 20
    • 25
  • A random character is selected from the word MISSISSIPPI, which of the following statements are true?
    • The letter selected would most likely be a vowel
    • The letter selected would most likely be a consonant  ✓
    • The letter selected would most likely be an 'S'
    • The letter selected would least likely be an 'M'  ✓
  • If the probability of an event (A) is /frac{1}{8}, and the experiment is repeated 40 times, what is the theoretical number of times event (A) will occur?
    • 1
    • 8
    • 5  ✓
    • 18
  • If you roll a fair six sided die twice and sum the results, what is the most likely sum below?
    • 7  ✓
    • 6
    • 8
  • If you roll a fair six sided die twice and sum the results, what is the most likely sum below?
    • an even sum
    • an odd sum
    • An even or an odd sum are equally likely  ✓