Starter quiz

  • In probability, what is a 'trial'?
    • a representation used to model probability questions
    • a set of all possible outcomes
    • a single predefined test  ✓
    • a way to list outcomes systematically
  • A ______ is all the possible outcomes of a trial.
    • event
    • experiment
    • likelihood
    • sample space  ✓
  • Which of these numbers is not on a standard six-sided dice?
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7  ✓
  • Match each trial with its sample space.
    • ξ = {win, lose}
      A spinner containing "win" and "lose" is spun. ✓
    • ξ = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
      A regular six-sided dice is rolled. ✓
    • ξ = {heads, tails}
      A coin is flipped once. ✓
    • ξ = {A, E, I, O, U}
      A bag contains tiles each of which is a vowel. A tile is picked. ✓
  • Complete the following sample space for the outcomes of the spinner. ξ = {A, I, L, T, <span class="blank">______</span> }.
    Complete the following sample space for the outcomes of the spinner. ξ = {A, I, L, T, ______ }.
    • 'R' ✓
  • How many possible outcomes are there on this spinner?
    How many possible outcomes are there on this spinner?
    • '3' ✓