Starter quiz

  • A term-to term rule describes how to calculate the next term from....
    • the constant additive rule
    • the multiplier
    • the previous term  ✓
    • the term number
  • True or false. In the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... the 2nd term is 3.
    • True- the third number is '2'
    • False- The second number is not '3'  ✓
    • There is no way of knowing without the term-to-term rule
  • If the 7 times table start with 1\times 7 = 7 what is the 100th number in the 7 times table?
    • '700' ✓
  • Here are the first 3 terms in a pictorial sequence. Which of these rules could refer to the number of lines in each term?
    Here are the first 3 terms in a pictorial sequence. Which of these rules could refer to the number of lines in each term?
    • add 2 to the previous term to get the next term
    • add 3 to the previous term to get the next term  ✓
    • add 5 to the previous term to get the next term
    • there are 3 lines per section plus 2 for the base.  ✓
    • there are 5 lines per section
  • Which of these is an advantage for using a term-to-term rule
    • They are easy to use to find the next term in a sequence  ✓
    • They are easy to use to find any term in a sequence
    • They work for all sequences where there is a rule between successive terms  ✓
    • They are unique, the same rule will always produce the same sequence.
    • There is only one term-to-term rule that will work if you know the first 3 term.
  • Match the sequences with the term-to-term rules.
    • -2, -6, -18, -54, ...
      multiply the previous term by 3 ✓
    • -2, -6, -10, -14, ...
      add -4 to the previous term ✓
    • -2, -6, -14, -30, ...
      multiply the previous term by 2 then subtract 2 ✓
    • -2, -6, -12, -20, ...
      add -4, add -6, add -8, ... ✓
    • -2, -6, -14, -26, ...
      add -4, add -8, add -12, ... ✓
    • -2, -6, -8, -8, ...
      add -4, add -2, add 0, ... ✓