Starter quiz

  • Which expression is represented by this bar model?
    Which expression is represented by this bar model?
    • 3x + 6
    • 6x + 6
    • 6x + 12  ✓
    • 2(3x + 6)  ✓
    • 3(x + 6)
  • Select the bar model that correctly represents the equation 3x + 15 = x + 32.
  • Given that 2.4 + 3.7 = 6.1, which of these are also true?
    • 2.4 + 6.1 = 3.7
    • 6.1 - 2.4 = 3.7  ✓
    • 3.7 - 2.4 = 6.1
    • 2.4 = 6.1 - 3.7  ✓
  • This bar model represents the initial equation <Math>x + 16 = 27</Math>. What needs to be done to the top bar to maintain equality?
    This bar model represents the initial equation x + 16 = 27. What needs to be done to the top bar to maintain equality?
    • + 2
    • + 16
    • + (x + 16)  ✓
    • + 27  ✓
    • + x
  • This bar model represents the initial equation <Math>2x + 5 = 9</Math>. What needs to be done to the top bar to maintain equality?
    This bar model represents the initial equation 2x + 5 = 9. What needs to be done to the top bar to maintain equality?
    • +9
    • + (2x + 10)
    • + (4x + 10)  ✓
    • \times 2
    • \times 3  ✓
  • These 4 bar models represent operations performed on the equation <Math>x + 12 = 19</Math>. Match the bar models labelled A, B, C, D  with the equivalent equation they represent .
    These 4 bar models represent operations performed on the equation x + 12 = 19. Match the bar models labelled A, B, C, D with the equivalent equation they represent .
    • A
      3(x + 12) = 57 ✓
    • B
      x + 12 + 2x + 24 = 19 + 2x + 24 ✓
    • C
      x + 12 + 38 = 19 + 38 ✓
    • D
      4(x + 12) = 76 ✓