Starter quiz

  • Which of these equations can be written from this bar model?
    Which of these equations can be written from this bar model?
    • x − 6.2 = 8.3
    • x + 6.2 = 8.3  ✓
    • x = 8.3 − x
    • 6.2 = 8.3 − x  ✓
    • 8.3 − 6.2 = x  ✓
  • The solution to the equation x + 3 = 17 is when x = ______
    • '14' ✓
  • The solution to the equation x − 8.6 = 10 is when x = ______
    • '18.6' ✓
  • Any non-zero number multiplied by its reciprocal is equal to ______
    • '1' ✓
  • Match each number to its reciprocal.
    • 1\over 5
      5 ✓
    • −{1\over 5}
      -5 ✓
    • 4\over 5
      5\over 4 ✓
    • −{4\over 5}
      −{5\over 4} ✓
    • 5
      {1\over 5} ✓
    • −5
      −{1\over 5} ✓
  • Match each calculation to an equivalent calculation.
    • \times {2\over 7}
      \div {7\over 2} ✓
    • \div (-{2\over 7})
      \times( −{7\over 2}) ✓
    • \times (−7)
      \div( −{1\over 7}) ✓
    • \times( −{1\over 7})
      \div( −7) ✓
    • \times {1\over 7}
      \div 7 ✓
    • \div {1\over 7}
      \times 7 ✓