Starter quiz

  • A number written in __________ form represents a repeated multiplication.
    • exponential  ✓
    • factorial
    • product
    • reciprocal
  • Which of the following are equivalent to 8000\times8000?
    • 8\times1000\times8\times1000  ✓
    • 64\times 10^6  ✓
    • 6.4\times 10^7  ✓
    • 6.4\times 10^6
    • 64\times 10^7
  • Which of the following are equivalent to 3.5\times0.03?
    • \frac{35\times3}{10^2}
    • \frac{35\times3}{1000}  ✓
    • \frac{35\times3}{10000}
    • \frac{35\times3}{10^3}  ✓
    • \frac{105}{10^3}  ✓
  • Match each number written in exponent form with its value.
    • 10^4
      10 000 ✓
    • 10^5
      100 000 ✓
    • {1} \over {10^2} 
      0.01 ✓
    • 10^0
      1 ✓
    • 10^1
      10 ✓
    • {1} \over {10^4} 
      0.0001 ✓
  • Which of the following calculations are equivalent to 400 × 700?
    • 4 × 100 × 7 × 100  ✓
    • 4 × 100 × 7 × 1000
    • 2.8 × 100 000  ✓
    • 28 000
    • 28 × 10 000  ✓
  • Without using a calculator, work out 3.4 × 2.5.
    • '8.5' ✓