Starter quiz

  • Which of these sentences use the word "sense" correctly?
    • The sense of a word stays the same after a rotation because I can still read it  ✓
    • The sense of a word changes when I enlarge it because the letters get bigger
    • The sense of a word stays the same after reflection as I can read it in a mirror
    • The sense of a word changes if the letters are rewritten backwards  ✓
  • In which of these images has the sense changed compared to the object?
    In which of these images has the sense changed compared to the object?
    • image 1  ✓
    • image 2
    • image 3  ✓
    • image 4
    • image 5
  • Write down a transformation that changes the "sense" of an object.
    • 'reflection' ✓
  • When an object is reflected, the size of its angles are invariant. This means the angles remain ______.
    • 'the same' ✓
  • Complete this sentence: "When an object is reflected, the orientation of the object _______ ."
    • is invariant
    • sometimes changes
    • always changes  ✓
  • Which of these diagrams shows a reflection?