Starter quiz

  • Enlargement is a transformation that causes a change of __________.
    • 'size' ✓
  • Two shapes are similar if the only difference between them is
    • their angles
    • one side
    • one angle
    • their size  ✓
  • Enlarging a shape means the shape will always get smaller.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Which properties are not invariant when a shape is enlarged?
    • side lengths  ✓
    • angles
    • position  ✓
  • Sam is going to triple the size of a rectangle. What will happen to the angles?
    • They will all triple in size.
    • They will all stay the same size.  ✓
    • They will all become a third of the size.
  • Lucas' rectangle has a length of 7 cm and a width of 2.6 cm. A similar rectangle has a length of 28 cm. What will its width be?
    • 1.3 cm
    • 2.6 cm
    • 10.4 cm  ✓
    • 20.8 cm