Starter quiz

  • The ______ is the starting figure, before a transformation has been applied.
    • 'object' ✓
  • Which transformation changes the sense of an object?
    • translation
    • reflection  ✓
    • rotation
    • enlargement
  • When describing a rotation, you must state three things: the centre of rotation, the amount of turn and the ______.
    • 'direction of rotation' ✓
  • "When an object is enlarged, the image will always end up further away from the centre of enlargement." Select true or false and a justifying statement.
    • True
    • False  ✓
    • you need to count the enlarged length from the centre of enlargement
    • if the scale factor is between 0 and 1 lengths reduce. e.g. scale factor = 1/2  ✓
  • A transformation has taken place in this diagram. Select all of the invariant properties.
    A transformation has taken place in this diagram. Select all of the invariant properties.
    • lengths  ✓
    • angles  ✓
    • position
    • orientation
    • sense
  • Complete the descriptions below by matching the transformation with the detail needed to describe it fully.
    • A rotation
      by {270^{\circ}} clockwise about (3,4). ✓
    • A reflection
      in the x-axis. ✓
    • A translation
      by {-4 \choose 2} ✓
    • An enlargement
      by scale factor 3 from (0, 0) ✓