Starter quiz

  • An object is translated 4 right and 3 down. What number would be in the second position of the vector for this translation 1^{st} \choose 2^{nd}?
    • '-3' ✓
  • The vector {-3 \choose 7} shows the translation ______ by 3 units and up by 7 units.
    • 'left' ✓
  • {4 \choose 3} is an example of ______ notation. This type of notation can be used to describe a translation.
    • 'vector' ✓
  • Which of the following shows a translation by {-2 \choose 3}?
  • Which vector matches this translation?
    Which vector matches this translation?
    • {2 \choose 0}
    • {-2 \choose 0}
    • {4 \choose 0}  ✓
    • {-4 \choose 0}
  • Has a translation taken place? A(3,4) \mapsto A^{\prime}(5,7), B(5,8) \mapsto B^{\prime}(7,11) and C(0,5) \mapsto C^{\prime}(2,7)?
    • Yes
    • No  ✓